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National and International Partnerships


The GO TO MARKET program is a partnership between FIESC's Intercomp initiative and SEBRAE/SC's SC + Global. Its objective is to insert Micro and Small Companies from Santa Catarina into the market, in order to increase their competitiveness and global presence.

Furthermore, with the support of other entities, the partnership offers consultancy and training with three main areas and customized service for Industry, Small Business, Services and Technology.




The Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI), through the Brazilian Network of International Business Centers (CIN Network), of which FIESC is part, and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), have a partnership to support the strategy of inserting Brazilian companies into international trade.

The partnership promotes commercial actions in international markets with the aim of supporting the internationalization of Brazilian industries and generating business opportunities.

The partnership between CNI and Apex-Brasil goes back more than a decade. Since 2008, the two institutions have joined forces to expand Brazil's participation in global trade.

FIESC also has a joint partnership with the Apex-Brasil Office for the Southern Region, located at the FIERGS headquarters, in Porto Alegre. The office will serve companies in Rio Grande do Sul and also those in Santa Catarina and Paraná.

To find out how to benefit from this partnership, contact our experts:

Schedule an appointment with a specialist or request a quotation